Wednesday, February 22, 2017


The Catholic Church was the original heir to the apostolic church established by Jesus the night before his passion. 
Jesus said, no one is to be called father among the apostles, therefore the centralization of power in a pope  was  rejected by Jesus Himself  with this statement. The "PAPA" or Pope is not validated by Jesus and the papal succesion has no clearly established apostolic link.
Furthermore,  let's take a closer look at the passage where Jesus called Simon son of Jonah "Peter, the rock."  In Mathew 16: 14-19, Jesus asked His apostles "Who do people say the Son of man is? They answered that they believd Him to be different prophets. So, Jesus asked again, "But who do YOU think I am?" Then Simon spoke up, "You are the Christ" he said "the Son of the living God."
Jesus replied, "Simon son of Jonah you are a happy man! Because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you but my Father in Heaven."  And so it was for Jesus as Christ wasn't revealed until Jesus prophesized about His Passion.  In addition to this, the  revelation of Jesus as Son of God and no of man hasn't been    stated until now.
Jesus continued saying, " So I now say to you:  You are Peter..." in the same way that a pupil answering a teacher's question on the first day of class would be nick named 'Smarty.'  Now, when Jesus says, "...and on this rock I will build my Church."  What he was referring to? To the man or to the Revelation? Jesus was telling Smarty that the Word of God is the sole foundation of His Church! And there it goes the Magisterium and the Papal infallibility.  When Jesus continues saying, "The gates of the underworld can never hold against IT [REFERRING TO THE WORD].  I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven [As saying: this is the basis for the kingdom: THE WORD!]  [SO] "Whatever you bind on earth, shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loose in heaven."  [whenever you base yourself on the Word of God]. 
For  Jesus continues on Mathew 16: 22-23 when after prophesizing for the first time about His Passion, Peter took Him aside and corrected the Son of God saying: "Heaven preserve you, Lord" ..."This must not happen to you!"  Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get behind me Satan! You are an obstacle in my path, because  the way you think is not God's but man's."  It is evident that Simon Peter, the clever, was not the epitome of the Church of Christ, nor the Papa of the Church, but that he score high unveiling the keys of the Kingdom as Jesus says when he spoke God's Revelation: The Word and the cornerstone of the Church.
The Roman Catholic Church dogma or undeniable principle of papal infallibility, according to which the Pope is preserved from making a mistake when he enacts something to the Church, a dogmatic teaching on matters of faith and morals under the rank of "solemn definition pontificia "  has been Scripturally denied.   This papal infallibility that constitutes the magisterium or church authority was originated at Vatican I, 1890, and was ratified by Vatican II.
 In this argument, Jesus never grants infallibility to Peter because he knew his weaknesses for all the times that he doubted and denied him during his apostolic life and not to say that called him satan when he spoke on his own thinking. That said, when Catholicism says that the Magisterium of the Church is the authority to establish the authentic teachings of the Church, I wonder which one?  The Catholic Church congregation or  the original church founded by Christ? These two are not the same. The Church founded by Christ at the Last Supper is based on Scripture alone and should be taught based on the teachings and clarifications of Jesus only, for He said, "I do not come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish but to fulfill. "(Matthew 5:17) Jesus is the only authority with the right and true teaching of faith.
Still, in the Catholic Church, the authority evolved and was and is carried out by the holy Pope and archbishops. All humans are conductive to err. You can also discuss the title of holiness, which is awarded by men; and in the history of the Chair of Peter has been Holies, Lukewarm and Bad Popes.  Furthermore, the Catholic Church holds that public revelations ended with the last of the apostles therefore the papal discernments are exempt of heavenly revelations,  and their contributions on biblical teachings can be considered through the analysis with the Word of God.  The homiletics must be received with caution, since the management of the Divine Word represents human fallibility.

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