Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Are my locutions a revelation? To answer this question we must first define the term revelation; because  we must all agree in a unmovable not opinionated definition.  Revelation is a surprising and previously unknown fact that is made known. However, the church defines them in only two categories: public and private revelations and according to the magisterium, public revelation is binding on all Christians, but private revelation is binding only on those who receive it. The Catholic Church teaches that public revelation was completed, and therefore was concluded, with the death of the last apostle (Vatican II, Dei Verbum 4), but private revelation has continued.  On this token, my revelations are private, but I have tried to make them public by God's command.  Although, this aim have been in vain, due to the opposition of Pope Francis.
Is the whole Bible a revelation?  Not all.  There are the books containing the history of God's doings on earth in His interaction with the tribe of Israel while He stood in His Kingdom, among those, Genesis is a Revelation. From Exodus, we may say that the Decalogue was a revelation.  Leviticus and Numbers were direct revelations for they are the experiential books containing instruction of wisdom by God. There are the gospels that narrate the life of God on Earth with the teaching of the essence of the law in a more condensed and illustrated way for the enlightenment of the Hebrews.  These Gospels although a narrative of the life of Yahooshua by apostles, include His teachings that constitute not a revelation for is Yahooshua the deliverer and it is nothing new to Him.
Furthermore, it includes a deliverance of a more understandable way of the Law of God.  It is more understandable in comparison with the Deuteronomical law (A Revelation), because the original instruction was given in detail to create a way of life and the traditions of a selected race so they will preserve themselves (done more wrongly than rightly for they separated from God at the end and never arrived to the promise land).  
Yahooshua's instruction of God law was done in the following ways:  
a)The pointing of some errors carried out by the teachers of the Hebraic Law or the Deuteronomical Law –scribes and pharisees.  
b) A more modern deliverance of the Decalogue,
c) the revelation of the Kingdom concepts and how to achieve them and
d)the usage of more modern instructional techniques with a simpler language and the usage of culturally based illustrations to increase understanding.
Then it came the post Crucifixion books called Acts and Pauline Epistles used as tools to enlighten the whole humanity by the inclusion of the instruction to the gentiles and the Apostolic Evaluation booklet consisting in a compendium of letters checking the knowledge acquired by the churches or a community of people in each place visited by the apostles with the intention of purging them from error or further the explanation of the original teachings of the apostles.
And last the Apocalyptic book also called for what it is: Revelations received by John “the beloved” apostle in the isle of Patmos.  This revelations came in three ways: 1. In the form of dreams of heavenly things and symbolisms of future happenings in the spiritual reality of humanity. 2. Through visions, and 3. Voices conveying thoughts or ideas to John, in other word, locutions from heaven.
Having arrived to the book of Revelation, we are back to the essence of our discussion. Are MY locutions a revelation?  Well, let's define locution: locution early 15c., from L. locutionem (nom. locutio) "a speaking," from locatus, pp. of loqui "to speak."  My locutions then are the “speaking” or series of ideas conveyed to me about unknown facts (revelations) .  Being these revelations about the life of Blessed Mother and Yahooshua while on earth, is presenting us with unknown facts in the life of those whose existence is a reality in the Gospels, Amen?  
Therefore, the content of my revelations doesn't have to be in the Bible per se, Amen?  However, it complements the historical existence of Jesus and Mary, giving us an introspective view of their lives and the interaction among members of the Holy Trinity and other saints.
These presents us with the other side of the same coin, namely a great part of the history in the gospels. Amen? It is giving to us additional unknown facts of the historical happenings in the lives of the Holy family. If these facts are unknown, they constitute a revelation, Amen?
Now, if those speaking are identifying themselves as Holies belonging to the promised Kingdom of Heaven and part of them are the Holy Trinity who are the Kingdom among us; one may conclude for this effect that the locutions are heavenly.  Amen?
In conclusion, one may say, they are statements of faith subject to the individuals' beliefs.  Personally, I don't care about the approval of these locutions by the Catholic Church; in particular because I am a ex-professor.
 Not to mention I don't believe and accept the infallibility of the Papal authority and the Bishops of the Church, because as human they are prone to err.

The Holy Spirit of Love said: “I congratulate you for this work for it is of great value to humanity.  It contains Wisdom and knowledge that does not come from the discernment of men, but from heavenly revelations.”  (Monday, February 1, 2016).
Thank you Father for enlightening us with these teachings that I am receiving for and from your Glory. Always yours, Mabel Elizabeth Alfonzo.  After this a saint said, “you won't believe what they said -the Holy Trinity, he meant-- after you heard somebody saying that you were the prophet at the end of times. And I said what? --”They said, these are not the end of times, but the beginning of a new way of life. I said: “Whoa!

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