This Blog is not only a journal of my schizophrenic experiences, but also an outlet of essays and reasonings produced after being diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Many times the atheists, and agnostics battle to eradicate Christian religious demonstrations from the public arena, it has become nothing else than a head bashing protocol among the parties involved. But to soften the blow on the mind of people and avoid destruction, instead of opening way for constructive knowledge; I use faith and not religion. Therefore, I am able to speak with authority and wisdom.
Religion is defined as a system of beliefs and practices accepted by identifiable communities of persons. This position has aggravated the standing of American culture in the life of this Nation. Therefore, I redefine religion in this nation as a set of practices of one's faith; while American faith is the core of beliefs and trust on a Higher Being, or higher beings as it is in polytheistic sectors of the society, or the animistic or spiritualistic beings as in primal or tribal societies.
Judah Halevy (1075-1141)--a defender of the Jewish faith in front of the raise of Aristotelian-ism--argued that Judaism is not a philosophy, and cannot be defined by reason because it is prophesy or inspiration by prophets who receive God's revelations. Now, for the sake of this argument, I extend his definition to all human faiths, but not religions. We have 73.4% of the population of United States as monotheistic and 2.2% polytheistic according to statistics gathered by the Pew Research Center in 2014. In conclusion three fourths or majority of the population of this country is Theistic, therefore God is part of the American culture and its intrinsic sets of beliefs. God represent us, and represents this Nation. For the 7.1% that doesn't believe in God either by denial of His existence or knowability plus the 15.8% who don't believe in nothing in particular, and the 0.6% that refuse to have an opinion, I will said, the fact that you don't have faith doesn't preclude the existence of God and in the public arena of a Democratic Country, majority rules.
The eradication of God hasn't been limited to the name “GOD,” but also, it has become a movement, to eliminate all that is related to Him, from our laws and our consciences. Therefore, under that premise, the Court should also eradicate the religious Holidays that permeates our economy during Spring with the prelude of the Easter bunny and its eggs and for winter the coincidental Christmas celebrating the birthday of Jesus, and as in any birthday the giving of presents, specially in the belief of Santa Claus that is nothing else, but a Catholic tradition. It is derived from Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna, in what is now Turkey. Nicholas lived in the 4th century A.D. He was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. He often gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in their houses through their windows. In consequence, if the court does not eliminate those traditional Holidays that by their mere occurrence in certain seasons permeates our economy, and entice people to purchase items to celebrate their traditions; then their manifestation into nativities or sayings as Merry Christmas or Happy Easter shouldn't be eliminated. Now, the displays of other religious objects of scenes during Christmas just for equality sake is and idiotic disrespect of other faiths whose holidays do not correspond to the season and do not entice National Citizenship action as it is the purchase of gifts and its effects on the economy. Religious sectors of the population has left alone or join the secular celebration of Halloween to their own discretion without trying to eliminate it from the public arena just because it might be secular or pagan in origin.
The First Amendment protect the right of freedom of religion hence faith and its expression from government interference: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof [IN BEHALF OF ANOTHER's BELIEF]. The bringing of the 14th Amendment of equal protection of the law against an ideology or groups of beliefs attempts not only against the freedom of speech, but also, the freedom of conscience which shall not be coerced under the law. The idiosyncrasy of the American majority was not a religion per se, but and intrinsic belief in their culture; therefore, no law can be applied to the free exercise of their consciences. Furthermore, the prohibition for medical doctors, pharmacists and other health providers to act according to their beliefs or faith in cases of euthanasia, birth control or abortion, is an aggression to the consciences of the American citizenship. This is a clearly attempt against human civil rights and a dangerous road of government toward the alienation of its citizens; jeopardizing the standing Democracy of this Nation. A conscience without a God, is accountable to nobody. How can him be accountable? To whose definitions is he accountable to? To the rainbow of humanity? You require a light, a SUPREME LIGHT, that will guide your judgments. Without God, you will always be playing a part in the shadows of Plato's cave. Otherwise, you'll be like a blind man being led by darkness, he cannot go too far without tripping, where he can go? If we chose to be guided by an artificial light; can we resist the temptation of not to turn the switch off in certain instances? For example in euthanasia or abortion cases? However, when we chose the IMMUTABLE SUPREME LIGHT, where can we hide our shadows?
That is why the Decalogue was given to mankind, to establish a blue- print for society to follow and avoid decadency. The Decalogue or Ten Commandments is a set of rules given by a Higher Being to prophets of different faiths, and it is the basics for society and jurisprudence. As I said before, man has been inspired by an outside source to perceive the Divine Decalogue as the basic set of orderly rules that directs a society toward the basics of honor and respect for authority and law, for body and life, and of others and their possessions; at the same time that develops Patriotism. It unites our population with one heart beating for one land: America!
Therefore, the introduction of the Decalogue and God in our schools creates a higher standard to abide for and a light and not Plato's shadows to guide mankind into enlightenment. The importance of God existence and the animistic concept of spirits (ghosts: a very popular concept in our society) has proven existence of the soul. This concept is very important for healing of the brokenness of a great sector of children and adults in these nation. It cannot be eradicated from schools or society. There is a genuine need for the study of Theos and Theistic laws in its generic concepts of God and the Decalogue as part of the study of Civic and Moral discipline of this Nation to combat the decadency and divisibility characteristic of the greatest societies in the history of mankind. These studies should be taught along with any other disciplines in the public schools. For doing so, only in private settings, will jeopardize the moral standing of the rest of the Nation. And for the 7.1 % sector that usually objects to that instruction will be presented with the choice of Computer guided practice on the discipline of their choice or in any area that they might be in need of academic improvement. While a secular sector would adhere to the teaching of Ethics in the classroom; defined such as: “We (An Ethical Society), recognizing the evils and wrongs that must beset men so long as our social life is based upon selfishness, rivalry, and ignorance, and desiring above all things to supplant it by a life based upon unselfishness, love, and wisdom, unite, for the purpose of realizing the higher life among ourselves, and of inducing and enabling others to do the same.” I say to them, “What is evil and wrong without goodness and righteousness? Nothing else than a moving line of definitions subject to the aims of opinion and intellect. It is for this reason that we need in our present society to abide by the roots of our cultural background. Even more in Stone v Graham, this court severed our culture and the Nation from the notion of One God and the presence of the basic rights of humanity was extracted from the conscience of our future generations favoring the promulgation and beliefs of atheist people above the greatest majority,a contradicting the First and 14th Amendment anyway.
Stone v. Graham elimination of the presence of the ten commandments in the classroom: We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person 'to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.'" Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers, and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs." Exactly you can pass no laws to support un-believers against believers, and I claim 75.6% of tax revenue coming from the pockets of believers to fund projects in which a theistic authority and the Decalogue are brought back to the cultural idiosyncrasy of this Nation, for it is these foundations what made this country a great young Nation. Especially in the educational sector, for we are raising an irreverent society to men's authority and laws. We need a Patristic Theos to fill the void in the life of 24.6 million children In America living in a single parent household. This doesn't include orphans or foster care children.[National Kids Count 2013 Data]
Furthermore, I close this debate with the request for wisdom, knowledge, and blessings to a Divine source of thought and intellect as an imperious need to these important issues that will cause a major repercussion in the destiny of the citizenship of this Nation. An example of this is the following request: “...In occasion to guide the future decisions and destiny of those presents today, let's request enlightenment through the silent talk of our hearts for a minute...” Therefore, I conclude this request, with Qur'an 49:10 : Humanity is but a single Brotherhood: So Make Peace with Your Brethren.-
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