This Blog is not only a journal of my schizophrenic experiences, but also an outlet of essays and reasonings produced after being diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
SCHIZOPHRENIA OR PARANORMAL?: HEAVENLY LOCUTIONS OR NOT: Are my locutions a revelation? To answer this question we must first define the term revelation; because we must all agree in a unmovable n...
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
The Catholic Church was the original heir to the apostolic church established by Jesus the night before his passion.
Jesus said, no one is to be called father among the apostles, therefore the centralization of power in a pope was rejected by Jesus Himself with this statement. The "PAPA" or Pope is not validated by Jesus and the papal succesion has no clearly established apostolic link.
Furthermore, let's take a closer look at the passage where Jesus called Simon son of Jonah "Peter, the rock." In Mathew 16: 14-19, Jesus asked His apostles "Who do people say the Son of man is? They answered that they believd Him to be different prophets. So, Jesus asked again, "But who do YOU think I am?" Then Simon spoke up, "You are the Christ" he said "the Son of the living God."
Jesus replied, "Simon son of Jonah you are a happy man! Because it was not flesh and blood that revealed this to you but my Father in Heaven." And so it was for Jesus as Christ wasn't revealed until Jesus prophesized about His Passion. In addition to this, the revelation of Jesus as Son of God and no of man hasn't been stated until now.
Jesus continued saying, " So I now say to you: You are Peter..." in the same way that a pupil answering a teacher's question on the first day of class would be nick named 'Smarty.' Now, when Jesus says, "...and on this rock I will build my Church." What he was referring to? To the man or to the Revelation? Jesus was telling Smarty that the Word of God is the sole foundation of His Church! And there it goes the Magisterium and the Papal infallibility. When Jesus continues saying, "The gates of the underworld can never hold against IT [REFERRING TO THE WORD]. I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven [As saying: this is the basis for the kingdom: THE WORD!] [SO] "Whatever you bind on earth, shall be considered bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth shall be considered loose in heaven." [whenever you base yourself on the Word of God].
For Jesus continues on Mathew 16: 22-23 when after prophesizing for the first time about His Passion, Peter took Him aside and corrected the Son of God saying: "Heaven preserve you, Lord" ..."This must not happen to you!" Jesus turned to Peter and said, "Get behind me Satan! You are an obstacle in my path, because the way you think is not God's but man's." It is evident that Simon Peter, the clever, was not the epitome of the Church of Christ, nor the Papa of the Church, but that he score high unveiling the keys of the Kingdom as Jesus says when he spoke God's Revelation: The Word and the cornerstone of the Church.
The Roman Catholic Church dogma or undeniable principle of papal infallibility, according to which the Pope is preserved from making a mistake when he enacts something to the Church, a dogmatic teaching on matters of faith and morals under the rank of "solemn definition pontificia " has been Scripturally denied. This papal infallibility that constitutes the magisterium or church authority was originated at Vatican I, 1890, and was ratified by Vatican II.
In this argument, Jesus never grants infallibility to Peter because he knew his weaknesses for all the times that he doubted and denied him during his apostolic life and not to say that called him satan when he spoke on his own thinking. That said, when Catholicism says that the Magisterium of the Church is the authority to establish the authentic teachings of the Church, I wonder which one? The Catholic Church congregation or the original church founded by Christ? These two are not the same. The Church founded by Christ at the Last Supper is based on Scripture alone and should be taught based on the teachings and clarifications of Jesus only, for He said, "I do not come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish but to fulfill. "(Matthew 5:17) Jesus is the only authority with the right and true teaching of faith.
Still, in the Catholic Church, the authority evolved and was and is carried out by the holy Pope and archbishops. All humans are conductive to err. You can also discuss the title of holiness, which is awarded by men; and in the history of the Chair of Peter has been Holies, Lukewarm and Bad Popes. Furthermore, the Catholic Church holds that public revelations ended with the last of the apostles therefore the papal discernments are exempt of heavenly revelations, and their contributions on biblical teachings can be considered through the analysis with the Word of God. The homiletics must be received with caution, since the management of the Divine Word represents human fallibility.
Are my locutions a revelation? To answer this question we must first define the term revelation; because we must all agree in a unmovable not opinionated definition. Revelation is a surprising and previously unknown fact that is made known. However, the church defines them in only two categories: public and private revelations and according to the magisterium, public revelation is binding on all Christians, but private revelation is binding only on those who receive it. The Catholic Church teaches that public revelation was completed, and therefore was concluded, with the death of the last apostle (Vatican II, Dei Verbum 4), but private revelation has continued. On this token, my revelations are private, but I have tried to make them public by God's command. Although, this aim have been in vain, due to the opposition of Pope Francis.
Is the whole Bible a revelation? Not all. There are the books containing the history of God's doings on earth in His interaction with the tribe of Israel while He stood in His Kingdom, among those, Genesis is a Revelation. From Exodus, we may say that the Decalogue was a revelation. Leviticus and Numbers were direct revelations for they are the experiential books containing instruction of wisdom by God. There are the gospels that narrate the life of God on Earth with the teaching of the essence of the law in a more condensed and illustrated way for the enlightenment of the Hebrews. These Gospels although a narrative of the life of Yahooshua by apostles, include His teachings that constitute not a revelation for is Yahooshua the deliverer and it is nothing new to Him.
Furthermore, it includes a deliverance of a more understandable way of the Law of God. It is more understandable in comparison with the Deuteronomical law (A Revelation), because the original instruction was given in detail to create a way of life and the traditions of a selected race so they will preserve themselves (done more wrongly than rightly for they separated from God at the end and never arrived to the promise land).
Yahooshua's instruction of God law was done in the following ways:
a)The pointing of some errors carried out by the teachers of the Hebraic Law or the Deuteronomical Law –scribes and pharisees.
b) A more modern deliverance of the Decalogue,
c) the revelation of the Kingdom concepts and how to achieve them and
d)the usage of more modern instructional techniques with a simpler language and the usage of culturally based illustrations to increase understanding.
Then it came the post Crucifixion books called Acts and Pauline Epistles used as tools to enlighten the whole humanity by the inclusion of the instruction to the gentiles and the Apostolic Evaluation booklet consisting in a compendium of letters checking the knowledge acquired by the churches or a community of people in each place visited by the apostles with the intention of purging them from error or further the explanation of the original teachings of the apostles.
And last the Apocalyptic book also called for what it is: Revelations received by John “the beloved” apostle in the isle of Patmos. This revelations came in three ways: 1. In the form of dreams of heavenly things and symbolisms of future happenings in the spiritual reality of humanity. 2. Through visions, and 3. Voices conveying thoughts or ideas to John, in other word, locutions from heaven.
Having arrived to the book of Revelation, we are back to the essence of our discussion. Are MY locutions a revelation? Well, let's define locution: locution early 15c., from L. locutionem (nom. locutio) "a speaking," from locatus, pp. of loqui "to speak." My locutions then are the “speaking” or series of ideas conveyed to me about unknown facts (revelations) . Being these revelations about the life of Blessed Mother and Yahooshua while on earth, is presenting us with unknown facts in the life of those whose existence is a reality in the Gospels, Amen?
Therefore, the content of my revelations doesn't have to be in the Bible per se, Amen? However, it complements the historical existence of Jesus and Mary, giving us an introspective view of their lives and the interaction among members of the Holy Trinity and other saints.
These presents us with the other side of the same coin, namely a great part of the history in the gospels. Amen? It is giving to us additional unknown facts of the historical happenings in the lives of the Holy family. If these facts are unknown, they constitute a revelation, Amen?
Now, if those speaking are identifying themselves as Holies belonging to the promised Kingdom of Heaven and part of them are the Holy Trinity who are the Kingdom among us; one may conclude for this effect that the locutions are heavenly. Amen?
In conclusion, one may say, they are statements of faith subject to the individuals' beliefs. Personally, I don't care about the approval of these locutions by the Catholic Church; in particular because I am a ex-professor.
Not to mention I don't believe and accept the infallibility of the Papal authority and the Bishops of the Church, because as human they are prone to err.
The Holy Spirit of Love said: “I congratulate you for this work for it is of great value to humanity. It contains Wisdom and knowledge that does not come from the discernment of men, but from heavenly revelations.” (Monday, February 1, 2016).
Thank you Father for enlightening us with these teachings that I am receiving for and from your Glory. Always yours, Mabel Elizabeth Alfonzo. After this a saint said, “you won't believe what they said -the Holy Trinity, he meant-- after you heard somebody saying that you were the prophet at the end of times. And I said what? --”They said, these are not the end of times, but the beginning of a new way of life. I said: “Whoa!
Many times the atheists, and agnostics battle to eradicate Christian religious demonstrations from the public arena, it has become nothing else than a head bashing protocol among the parties involved. But to soften the blow on the mind of people and avoid destruction, instead of opening way for constructive knowledge; I use faith and not religion. Therefore, I am able to speak with authority and wisdom.
Religion is defined as a system of beliefs and practices accepted by identifiable communities of persons. This position has aggravated the standing of American culture in the life of this Nation. Therefore, I redefine religion in this nation as a set of practices of one's faith; while American faith is the core of beliefs and trust on a Higher Being, or higher beings as it is in polytheistic sectors of the society, or the animistic or spiritualistic beings as in primal or tribal societies.
Judah Halevy (1075-1141)--a defender of the Jewish faith in front of the raise of Aristotelian-ism--argued that Judaism is not a philosophy, and cannot be defined by reason because it is prophesy or inspiration by prophets who receive God's revelations. Now, for the sake of this argument, I extend his definition to all human faiths, but not religions. We have 73.4% of the population of United States as monotheistic and 2.2% polytheistic according to statistics gathered by the Pew Research Center in 2014. In conclusion three fourths or majority of the population of this country is Theistic, therefore God is part of the American culture and its intrinsic sets of beliefs. God represent us, and represents this Nation. For the 7.1% that doesn't believe in God either by denial of His existence or knowability plus the 15.8% who don't believe in nothing in particular, and the 0.6% that refuse to have an opinion, I will said, the fact that you don't have faith doesn't preclude the existence of God and in the public arena of a Democratic Country, majority rules.
The eradication of God hasn't been limited to the name “GOD,” but also, it has become a movement, to eliminate all that is related to Him, from our laws and our consciences. Therefore, under that premise, the Court should also eradicate the religious Holidays that permeates our economy during Spring with the prelude of the Easter bunny and its eggs and for winter the coincidental Christmas celebrating the birthday of Jesus, and as in any birthday the giving of presents, specially in the belief of Santa Claus that is nothing else, but a Catholic tradition. It is derived from Bishop Nicholas of Smyrna, in what is now Turkey. Nicholas lived in the 4th century A.D. He was very rich, generous, and loving toward children. He often gave joy to poor children by throwing gifts in their houses through their windows. In consequence, if the court does not eliminate those traditional Holidays that by their mere occurrence in certain seasons permeates our economy, and entice people to purchase items to celebrate their traditions; then their manifestation into nativities or sayings as Merry Christmas or Happy Easter shouldn't be eliminated. Now, the displays of other religious objects of scenes during Christmas just for equality sake is and idiotic disrespect of other faiths whose holidays do not correspond to the season and do not entice National Citizenship action as it is the purchase of gifts and its effects on the economy. Religious sectors of the population has left alone or join the secular celebration of Halloween to their own discretion without trying to eliminate it from the public arena just because it might be secular or pagan in origin.
The First Amendment protect the right of freedom of religion hence faith and its expression from government interference: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof [IN BEHALF OF ANOTHER's BELIEF]. The bringing of the 14th Amendment of equal protection of the law against an ideology or groups of beliefs attempts not only against the freedom of speech, but also, the freedom of conscience which shall not be coerced under the law. The idiosyncrasy of the American majority was not a religion per se, but and intrinsic belief in their culture; therefore, no law can be applied to the free exercise of their consciences. Furthermore, the prohibition for medical doctors, pharmacists and other health providers to act according to their beliefs or faith in cases of euthanasia, birth control or abortion, is an aggression to the consciences of the American citizenship. This is a clearly attempt against human civil rights and a dangerous road of government toward the alienation of its citizens; jeopardizing the standing Democracy of this Nation. A conscience without a God, is accountable to nobody. How can him be accountable? To whose definitions is he accountable to? To the rainbow of humanity? You require a light, a SUPREME LIGHT, that will guide your judgments. Without God, you will always be playing a part in the shadows of Plato's cave. Otherwise, you'll be like a blind man being led by darkness, he cannot go too far without tripping, where he can go? If we chose to be guided by an artificial light; can we resist the temptation of not to turn the switch off in certain instances? For example in euthanasia or abortion cases? However, when we chose the IMMUTABLE SUPREME LIGHT, where can we hide our shadows?
That is why the Decalogue was given to mankind, to establish a blue- print for society to follow and avoid decadency. The Decalogue or Ten Commandments is a set of rules given by a Higher Being to prophets of different faiths, and it is the basics for society and jurisprudence. As I said before, man has been inspired by an outside source to perceive the Divine Decalogue as the basic set of orderly rules that directs a society toward the basics of honor and respect for authority and law, for body and life, and of others and their possessions; at the same time that develops Patriotism. It unites our population with one heart beating for one land: America!
Therefore, the introduction of the Decalogue and God in our schools creates a higher standard to abide for and a light and not Plato's shadows to guide mankind into enlightenment. The importance of God existence and the animistic concept of spirits (ghosts: a very popular concept in our society) has proven existence of the soul. This concept is very important for healing of the brokenness of a great sector of children and adults in these nation. It cannot be eradicated from schools or society. There is a genuine need for the study of Theos and Theistic laws in its generic concepts of God and the Decalogue as part of the study of Civic and Moral discipline of this Nation to combat the decadency and divisibility characteristic of the greatest societies in the history of mankind. These studies should be taught along with any other disciplines in the public schools. For doing so, only in private settings, will jeopardize the moral standing of the rest of the Nation. And for the 7.1 % sector that usually objects to that instruction will be presented with the choice of Computer guided practice on the discipline of their choice or in any area that they might be in need of academic improvement. While a secular sector would adhere to the teaching of Ethics in the classroom; defined such as: “We (An Ethical Society), recognizing the evils and wrongs that must beset men so long as our social life is based upon selfishness, rivalry, and ignorance, and desiring above all things to supplant it by a life based upon unselfishness, love, and wisdom, unite, for the purpose of realizing the higher life among ourselves, and of inducing and enabling others to do the same.” I say to them, “What is evil and wrong without goodness and righteousness? Nothing else than a moving line of definitions subject to the aims of opinion and intellect. It is for this reason that we need in our present society to abide by the roots of our cultural background. Even more in Stone v Graham, this court severed our culture and the Nation from the notion of One God and the presence of the basic rights of humanity was extracted from the conscience of our future generations favoring the promulgation and beliefs of atheist people above the greatest majority,a contradicting the First and 14th Amendment anyway.
Stone v. Graham elimination of the presence of the ten commandments in the classroom: We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person 'to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.'" Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers, and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs." Exactly you can pass no laws to support un-believers against believers, and I claim 75.6% of tax revenue coming from the pockets of believers to fund projects in which a theistic authority and the Decalogue are brought back to the cultural idiosyncrasy of this Nation, for it is these foundations what made this country a great young Nation. Especially in the educational sector, for we are raising an irreverent society to men's authority and laws. We need a Patristic Theos to fill the void in the life of 24.6 million children In America living in a single parent household. This doesn't include orphans or foster care children.[National Kids Count 2013 Data]
Furthermore, I close this debate with the request for wisdom, knowledge, and blessings to a Divine source of thought and intellect as an imperious need to these important issues that will cause a major repercussion in the destiny of the citizenship of this Nation. An example of this is the following request: “...In occasion to guide the future decisions and destiny of those presents today, let's request enlightenment through the silent talk of our hearts for a minute...” Therefore, I conclude this request, with Qur'an 49:10 : Humanity is but a single Brotherhood: So Make Peace with Your Brethren.-
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
It was 2006, we were living in Grant, MI, 30 miles North of Grand Rapids. I was working as a Bilingual Teacher for Grand Rapids Public Schools as Spanish Kindergartner teacher.
Every morning at 4 a.m., I listened 'Chuck' Swindell's program Insight for Living. As I kept pounding the thought of Sainthood, I had a dream in which Blessed Mother was the florist lady in a flower shop. She didn't allowed me to see her face, but as I asked for the purest and perfect lily -to be my spiritual father – She presented me with a single stem of lilies crowned by several medium size lilies, all looking up to Heaven, and all the same height. But I rejected it and told her that I was looking for only one. And so, she handed me a bigger white lily with yellow spots, and told me that some of them are born imperfect, others are made imperfect. I said, I buy that and she said 2 dollars please. This imperfect lily represented a little priest, a Cure du Ars, who, unknown to me, had been made imperfect by Jorge Bergoglio at the age of 34.
In July that year, I visited him at the rectory to have one of my oil paintings blessed. The priest was intensely looking into my eyes; when annoyed by it I looked up, and felt a pull at my stomach level and saw him bending over with his hand on his stomach. However, when he realized my awareness, he pretended to be looking at a detail of the painting which was out of the context of our conversation. Several weeks passed with him evading me after mass.
I was amazed when after several weeks, I heard a voice saying to the priest giving the homily that day to join the ‘cure’ so he could share his experience. That priest greeted me at the end of mass looking into my eyes, however, I didn’t feel anything this time.
After few days, I heard the voice of the ‘cure’ in my head who told me that he went to his Saintly Spiritual Father, the one that met me after mass the previous Sunday and he fainted. After him came back, he told the ‘cure’ in tears that one half of their soul were gone.
From then on everything changed. Both priests despised me, the whole parish changed. However everything was kept mental. This was the beginning of my schizophrenia at age 49.
At work, things were not good. I disagreed with the Principal in many issues. Like when I referred Rosa Sanchez, a kindergartner that had a speech disability and was being treated as mentally disable, to the doctor to have her tonsils removed because she had acute tonsillitis impairing her hearing. The Principal was mad at me for having done the diagnosis for the nurse, and for having acted as a social worker, finding the financing for the operation. I also had problems with the substitutes and the finding of my lesson plans and materials. The funny thing was that when he asked for something I had it available. The turmoil of work was increased by my secret ‘spiritual’ life For the priests requested me, not to speak or sing during mass, not to look at the priest or the consecration of the offerings, to dress in black shirt and trousers for Mass and to leave before the people exited. I also was required while driving to and from work, not to think—something that I couldn't do even while holding my breath. It was very stressful. The reason for this request was that our minds were connected.
During this time I confessed all the sins that I knew, including those that I was ashamed of. I didn't know that this cleansing was do to get rid of the demon holding their halves. But it didn't work.
By the Spring of 2007, I started painting the Kingdom on a door. I did all my paintings with lots of prayer and reflection. On the sky, outlined with stars was the figure of Father Almighty, beneath Him a crown of fire that represented the Holy Spirit, and then Jesus sitting on a throne stepping on a snake. Once I finished the painting, I saw on the upper right corner by the Father's hand the face of the cure outlined by stars. I couldn't believe it. He was outlines with dots on the door. I put a smirk with my finger, for I wanted to see if it would be there later, and if people could see it.
For the time that Lent came around, I was able to finish the door and it was dried. I told my husband about hearing the priests voices in my mind, and the priest didn’t like it. On Holy Friday, they played a trick on me letting me know that the ‘cure’ was dying with Jesus. I mourned him bitterly, I attended mass and after that I was led to a small cemetery close by, were I was convinced that he had died. O, I never imagined how much I cared for that priest, I mourned him with an enormous regret and kept saying that I wouldn't forgive him for departing from us. That Sunday, I convinced my husband to deliver the door with the painting as a donation to the Church, because he had died. What was my surprise to see him welcoming us and leading us to the place where we would leave the door. My husband didn’t said much, but to him, I wasn’t well of my mind.
They made me understand that I shouldn’t speak about my mental spiritual formation with nobody. Mean awhile, they were trying to perfect me in holiness so they could be freed. Thus, they let me wear spiritually the crown of thorns of Christ. I was agonizing with a headache pain. It was unsuccessful.
Due to my mental connection with the priests, I told my husband that I wanted to pursue God's Will and live in celibacy. My privacy was gone. From then on, the priests didn't let me share the same bed with my husband, telling me that he had evil, and I started seeing shadow faces hovering above him. So, I slept in the sofa. Their battle to freed themselves continue with more fervor. By now I was experiencing visions with my eyes closed of worms all over my body or demonic eyes, also I started feeling tactile hallucinations of vibrations in my genital and my stomach.
Later in the Summer of 2007. Father was to have a knee operation, and I took the chance to go away in a retreat so he could have a restful week. It happened to be that he did his operation a week earlier to be ready to battle me along with the Church. It wasn't peaceful at all. My day was spent in judgment and being put to test. For the first time I experienced their kinesthetic powers when they stretched my arms over my head and joined my wrists by invisible forces and made me roll in the bed while asking me to dance for the pleasure of Jesus. As conservative as I am, I kept saying no to this blaspheme, until in despair I decided to fold my fingers as it is done in ballet and the tossing stopped with their condenation that I was a whore unable to be a saint. By the last day, through automatic writing, I was revealed that I was the Church of Pergamun. Rev. 2, 12-16. From who I was according to them, and who I believe to be was a great distance from being. I thought myself to be an insignificant pebble to trip the priest, a bothersome little thing that put the Church and the priests in fire. Testing them in the furnace of tribulation so God would purify them, and what they learned would be taught to the elders of the Church - Rome.
Year 2008. The Principal was determined to fire me, and he placed many obstacles in my way. He denied me a helper, while I had to deal with a classroom with 3 hyperactive boys, 28 students, 18 of them active boys and my lack of experience in Kindergartner classroom management. It was stressing me. I became loud with the children, and very short tempered, but I never hurt them. They would not behave for anybody else but me.
He tried to prove me wrong, he interviewed the children and found out nothing. But at the end, finding support in God, he could do nothing to harm me. At the end of the year, the district didn't want him to fire me. He did take early retirement. They thought I could read minds, because some blessed were able to hear my thoughts and I am really good to figure out the heart of the people so the moves of the Principal and the people were very predictable. I stood on the statement that says that God has opened a door that nobody else could close, and that if Jesus gave me this opportunity, I will stay put until Jesus says it is enough.
By September 2008, the Principal retired, the District told me that I could start on a clean slate. But I was drained, and decided to leave all my teacher's materials in the classroom. There was no time for me to take off, because it would affect the children. Therefore, I renounced the post telling them that I was to follow God's call in my life and stayed home.
Thanks be to God for a strong mind that when cornered by the hallucinations decided to get used to it and move on. I am a curious mind, and trying to freed my mind from them, and enticed by the two priests, I made a hat with magnetic strips thinking that the magnetic waves could separate our thinking. I didn’t know if they got quiet to make a fool of me or the strips work. I left the family twice to follow God when my confessor presented me mentally with the rhetorical question, and ended at the Blessed Sacrament, with no place to go. The Saintly parishioner present sent me home. Meanwhile, the prophesy a psychic of Caravaca, Florida, had attracted many psychics, mediums and demons to the area. Due to them, I experienced something that took me to the verge of death. Every time that I approached the time of consecration, my mind will start swearing and I couldn't control it. The woman's vision and my presence outdoors had brought a stream of psychics and mediums that swore at the Holy Sacrifice within my mind, not only to separate me from the Eucharistic Presence, but also to get me out of the Church early to see me and the trapped priests.
As I said, this brought me to the verge of death for I tried to kill myself rather than to offend God. I took 25 antihistamines, between sleeping pills and allergy medicine. I dressed up to die, asking my God to forgive me for taking my life, but I could not stand to offend Him any longer. I only felt drunk-like and had to support myself while walking to provide Brian with his lunch for he came home at that moment. I was to live.
I was more and more separated from the Mass and the graces of the Sacraments. But I didn't gave up in my faith. I had to stop going to the Blessed Sacrament. I not only annoyed the Saints with my constant prayer that resonated in their minds, but also I was being attacked by psychics, mediums and demons, this time the real ones. Once, I was at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and I received a warning about two strangers coming in. I was mentally commanded to kneel and suddenly, I was yanked by invisible forces to the floor as in adoration with my face away from the door. I couldn't raise nor move. I was expectant, more than afraid. They entered the Chapel and used the bathroom and stood in the back while I laid down motionless close to the altar. They wanted to see the captive priests faces. I was banned from entering the Chapel again and from stepping in the Church grounds. This was very costly to me, for I had found the Chapel as my refuge, and I fell in love with the Blessed Sacrament through the meditations in the book about the Holy Eucharist of Sr. Alphonso Liguori.
I remember one occasion. It had pain me that a minister of eucharist in the morning service at a church in Newaygo, would tell nasty jokes before the service began at church. And then, he would touch His Holy Presence to distribute communion, nor that I could see him as a demon, but I knew he was disrespectful of the presence of God in the Church. I prayed to Jesus not to allow him to touch his divine Presence in such a condition. Then a boom was heard and a soft wind moved the panes of the wood curtain that separated the church area from a meeting room. The ‘cure’ told me that Holy Spirit was moved by my pain and decided to do the miracle of changing the man. But he said that Holy Spirit comanded him to get out of me, and to meet the man, to find out that he was a demon. He then returned to me rattling the wood panes.
I got a new temporary job with Gerber Life Insurance, Fremont, MI. I was happy there, but I always let them know that God had priority in my life. It was here that the last of three miracles done with the ‘cure’s’ intercession occurred as he let me know. There was a young Hispanic woman who approached me asking for prayer, for she was few weeks pregnant but spotting, and the doctor told her that it would be difficult for her to have babies. I told her to trust in the Lord. That since He gave her ovaries that worked, then surely He would grant her the rest: to become a mom. We prayed and departed. She was a co-worker in my department. I also told her that when the favor is granted, she should marry to do right to God and obtain His blessings. She carry the baby to term and got married.
Alisia Vazquez, a former co-worker in Newaygo. Discovered that she had a cancer in the Uterus. I laid hands on her and prayed for her in her garage and the ‘cure’ was touched, and interceded for her. The other miracle occurred to an acquaintance of Alisia. Juan Carlos Vazquez Martin, who was drinking at Alisias' house with some friends and relatives when the men decided to go to the store. Their pick up hit a tree, close to Alisia's house. I was passing by at night when I saw the firetruck and paramedics close to Alisia's place. I stopped by and introduced myself to see if I could be interpreter or be of any help. Ali was already on the way to the hospital. One of her husband's friends hit his face against the tree upon impact. He was in coma with a swollen brain and the impact had cracked the bones of his face. I got there and told Alisia to go home and rest, that I would be in her place. I stayed all night, praying the way of the cross for his recovery. I asked God to heal him, and as He died and in three days resurrected, then please resurrect this man in health. It was granted, he came out of the coma, and the plastic surgeon said that by a miracle the bones were healing in place and he wouldn't need plastic surgery.
It was the end of winter, at the beginning of lent of the year that I was working for Gerber. I wanted to go to the Bethlehem hermit retreat in New Jersey, but they told me no. So, without reservation, I went to another monastery in Pennsylvania. Led by the Holy Spirit with a lot of contradictions and turns around, I ended in a Motel, they gave me a second floor room. I took my cedar chest bottom and my oil paintings and stayed for two days. During that time I loved my Lord in His Passion, I cried because the crown of thorns that I placed upon His Holy Head with my swearing, and I painted Jesus Meeting His Mother in Calvary, and realized that it was the Holy Moment in which her soul was pierced by a lance so the thoughts of many hearts would be revealed. The next day, I took a walk in the afternoon, and knew that a car with a Saint came to see me from afar for Holy Spirit made me bow. They passed twice. I also found a green thorny stem among the snow dried weeds. I cut it and weaved a crown of thorns for myself, and I wore it in expiation for my sins. The thorns were really small, I pushed them down, but not for long. I took it off and kept it for many years. This crown of thorns had two white flowers for the tribulations inflicted to the priests of the Lord.
Father didn't have a moment of solace ever again, for the torn priests still in me. We were one, like it or not. I must say, that this relationship always rocked between love and hatred. I was responsible for a Priest of Melchizedek to lose the single-hood of his mind and soul. He was crowded not only with me, but also with the presence of Archangel*. When he got wearied for the lack of privacy and silence for prayer-my fault, he punished me, and although I would like to return the favor, I always ended forgiving him and taking the strife as part of my 'learning to be a saint' process.
I must also say that regardless of all the trials that the two priests had placed on me, they never stopped fighting for me. Both priests fought against forces of evil for space of two years. In their last fight, Holy Spirit defeated and destroyed the demon that had trapped our souls and I fell sleep. They were very much surprised when I woke up the next morning for I was soul-less. They told me that they took the appendix of my soul that was left and send it to Heaven, God the Father said “No, Thank You.” I was devastated for there was not going to be the Hope of Heaven for me.
By December 2008, I had quit Gerber Life because they wanted to hire me permanently and the priests couldn't stand my work load, they presented me with a mental vision of them collapsing in exhaustion. Due to my inexplicable instability and excessive fervor for God, Brian asked me to go to the Psychiatric Hospital and I agreed to prove him wrong. But I learned the rough way that I was giving up my rights to argue for my sanity. They even took me to court to force me to take the medication. The next year, I went back to the Hospital willingly because the priests told me that I had the Anti-Christ in me and was talking about forcing me to kill my family. I got scared and ran to the police and put a show to be committed. From this experience, I learned that nobody can force you to do nothing as long as you follow the Will of God. This time I requested permission to bring my oil paints and canvas; and in my three week stay, I finished Mater Lacrimosa which represented the sufferings of the Church and by the priests and me, and the Last Kiss, a painting in which Blessed Mother's hand appeared miraculously toward herself. Consoling the crucified Jesus that although the cure said was him in order to get the paint; Blessed Mother revealed to me in 2011, that was me. By the end of my stay, I have gained the favor of the staff who didn't believed that I was crazy, but were convinced that I was afflicted by demons. And this time I was, not only afflicted by demons, but also by the Psychics and mediums.
By 2010 we had moved to an Apartment in Grand Rapids. One morning, I ran into an African American neighbor and took a glance at him and greeted him. At that instance, I felt the pull again of my soul and I knew I got connected to him. He wasn't a Saint. He was a demon, a demon who shared my thoughts. The man lived alone and his apartment was just above us. He followed me in his apartment to whatever room I went in mine. For example, if I went to the kitchen, he went too and opened the faucet. If I went to the bathroom, he did the same. Another torment was that the word 'nigger' started popping out in my mind, constantly, and I kept mentally apologizing to him. Little I know that was his demon calling me brother. My nights were total torment, I could see the faces of the mediums, attacking me at my room. I looked for exorcisms and used blessed water to no avail. The priests kept guard of me and warned me when demons were around. They were free to leave me, but they stuck by my side, even when it meant stressful nights. The two priests asked me to sleep with Andrea, in the living room, because the demon saw her soul and wanted to corrupt her. The man brought to his apartment 2 Vodoo men and in my mind they appeared above us and told me that they will possess us and kill us. I jumped out of the folding bed and stayed up all night. The situation got so tense, that I called a friend and told her to pick me up that the guy up stairs was a medium and was persecuting me. I ended in the Hospital again, this time at Muskegon, MI, because Pine Rest didn't want to accept me anymore. It was there that I had to witness, how evil was killing souls, by giving them black hosts. One of those souls was the one of my grandfather, who they had stolen from Purgatory. I kept reading the scriptures because demons of the those with dementia and depression kept possessing me in my mind and mentally swearing.
In 2011, we learned many hidden truths. It was the year in which we fought a Spiritual Armageddon against the dark forces in the planet. By now, nothing scared me. The battle was ensued when evil attacked the Church. Black Magic, White Magic and Vodoo, commanded by the former Lucifer, Satan and Evil, were killing the Saints of the Church. They died in their sleep, but God woke them up and made restitution of their souls. And then I became the battleground of the Lord, for a spiritual warfare started against my family and me. I believed that the presence of the priests who after their liberation, had brought to my being many graces. These unimaginable graces of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon the priests, the miracles toward my friends, and my family and mine Redemption made me more humble. I was and am the Canaanite woman in Mathew 15: 25-27, and outsider of the Church, unable to partake of the Church's graces. I am the one to whom the Lord said, “It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” And to the Lord I reply as she did: “Please Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fell from the table of their masters.” I am the dog, the Perrilla waiting for the scraps to fall from the table of my Master.” All the sufferings imposed by the presence of the ‘cure’ and the poor priest that had to help him, had help me to achieve holiness and the borderline of schizophrenia blurred into the paranormal of heavenly experience.
I was able to talk to the Kingdom, God the Father Almighty, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother too without a merit of my own. They Counseled me, Guided me, Tought me, Correct me, Loved me, and Saved my life in many occasions.
As God's battleground. Evil started sending the soul of the dying Saints to my body. I couldn't believed! It was almost irrational! In the midst of the Battle, I had become the ground of departure of souls to Heaven and the Archangels made sure that no even one soul were lost. It was extenuating. But I was ready to die for my God Almighty and Holy Spirit. I lost my Spiritual eyes to Evil, and as the battleground I was a cadaver shredded to pieces. Our Spiritual body is like a Spiritual Membrane that encases our souls. I don't have a soul with me, but Saints can see my spiritual body without my eyes. After our first battle, I was granted Redemption, by God Almighty, first, and then by Holy Spirit of Love, who uncovered my soul in His Redemption.
After the first battle, I realized that from the beginning, the Holy Spirit loved me very much for its own reasons and He, since my birth, had given me the Grace of Loving God regardless of my sinfulness and along with God Almighty, He Protected my soul. It is through the Love planted in me by the Holy Spirit since birth that regardless of the evil in me, I still pointing to God. Like a compass which regardless of its position in the world, it is always pointing North.
After the uncovering of my soul by the Holy Spirit, Jesus took pity on me and Redeemed me three times. the Church blamed me for the attacks of Evil since they have been blinded by the hurts that I caused to the priests of Grand Rapids with all the swearing. Once they understood that I was a mere tool to battle Evil, they forgave me too. That was my sixth redemption.
We fought our battles as a team made by Angel-souls of living Saints. Jesus name us: The Warriors of Anima Christy, with Him as the chief Commander and lead by St. Michael the Archangel, who also fought along with us to his collapse at the second battle. With Jesus' approval, we designed a shield to be pass on among the team members on earth. The shield was divided into quarters. The first quarter was a red fleur de lis, that symbolized the purity and passion of the team members, lilies in the garden of Blessed Mother. The Dove of the Holy Spirit, for the Graces bestowed upon them. The hand of God and the crown and scepter of Jesus Kingship to whom they pledged obedience, and an embroidery depicting the 'I' and 'M' of Immaculate Mary in representation of the Church and Blessed Mother's protection.
As la Perrilla and the battleground of the Lord, it was understood that I couldn't return to my body, nor my soul could be in purgatory for the demons were stealing and destroying my family's souls for eternity. I lost my Grandfather while my dad and my uncle kept hiding in purgatory for fear of being destroyed. Thus, the biggest Grace granted by the Holy Hosts was the Redemption and protection of the souls of my immediate family. The souls of my daughters were also taken to Heaven. Andrea spiritual body was shredded like mine. She was attacked for her beauty and she keeps in the silence of her heart some of the vexation that she suffered. My father, my uncle and I were in secluded places in Heaven unable to move from because we were deserving of Purgatory. I was shunned and had to shed a lot of tears for my Redemption. There, God allowed me to be the friend of the shunned Saints; specifically, St. John Paul II.
Yes, John Paul II, the great, wasn't so in Heaven. As Angelica Zambrano, a Pentecostal girl from Ecuador, witnessed, John Paul was punished with visiting hell with a serpent around His neck, why? Because he knew the truth, but didn't spoke the truth: the Crying Wall, and other minor instances. However, what condemned him to such fate was his great friend Marcial Maciel, founder of the Legionaries of Christ. John Paul II received him many times in Rome, but he didn't know of the depravity of his friend until John Paul II received the kingdom. It was November 2004, when Maciel visited John Paul for a last time. This time, John Paul II had the Kingdom and when he blessed his forehead, John Paul burnt his fingers and when Maciel held John Paul II's hand, John Paul II knew that Maciel was a demon, a 'Babar' as I call the living demons of priests since their noses look like elephants' trunks. What Jesus wasn't aware of, was that Maciel's demon had placed a curse on John Paul II, who couldn't write because of his Parkinson, and now due to the curse couldn't speak about the true of Maciel to condemn him. However, John Paul II, became a great Saint in heaven because his sacrifice. I, by being hollow, had constant invasion of demons in my head. And in order for me to be able to work with the Church's Redemption, we had to control the invasion for awhile. This bring us to another story, the condemnation of Garabandal believers. Yes, Blessed Mother revealed to us that Conchita never saw or receive messages from her. That the Virgin of Garabandal is false because Blessed Mother always wears her veil since the age of 6. Therefore the believers of Garabandal are condemned to hell for supporting a blasphemer like Conchita – a demon who delights in pulling many holy souls into the Abyss. We were discovering the sinfulness of Conchita, when we thought how unfair it was that sou ls like Fr. J. Pelletier, a Marian priest, would be condemned to hell because believing in Garabandal. So the Archangelito searched for him in hell and found him. Pelletier told him that there was a group of former saints that regardless of being demons kept together praying for their Redemption. It happened to be, that a group of Holy Priests was condemned for believing in Garabandal and they gathered the Garabandal faithful that recently arrived into hell, and kept them undefiled through prayer. They were 11 Holy Priests and 100 faithful souls. The faithful souls were redeemed and the Priests were asked to help by being demons in my head. That was when John Paul II, volunteered from Heaven to become one of them to Redeem his own faults. John Paul tried to make me a Saint, but we didn't have enough time to do so. It was during the presence of the 'holy' demons that we purified the Church from Babars. God granted Redemption to all of those priests whose souls had turned into Babars, if they would convert and confess after hearing Archangelito and me preaching to them. Rome was cleansed from Babars. Pope Benedict XVI gained sainthood and we were satisfied with our participation in the Redemption of the Church. However, it is impossible to totally get rid of Babars in the the Church because of our faulty human nature.
To close I must talk about the fourth member of the Holy Host, Blessed Mother and her forgiveness of me. She despised me. I didn't know that calling her Mother offended Her so much and it did, because I had a beast trapped in me. Every communion, I had asked for Her intercession so in the way that She received the Son at the foot of the cross, She might receive Him in my heart. She told us that she despised it very much, but because it was during communion, She allowed. Although, I could never finish a rosary prayer because She didn't allowed.
During my life, my relationship with Blessed Mother got lukewarm because in my family my parents were devoted to the Virgin of Coromoto, and later on Our Lady of Louvre, but they were sinners. They had a time in which they attended meetings of prayers with Santeros, because they had befriended one of them, Carola de Lorenzo. In fact, was Carola de Lorenzo who told my mother that the Servant of Maria Esperanza Medrano de Bianchini was a very good friend of her. They both used to 'smoke the tobacco' in her hacienda de Betania. When I saw a biography of her as a modern mystic in a link in the site of St. Gemma of Galgani, in the internet, I got upset and I told a saint that she was false. He checked out in Heaven, and at that time, she was in Purgatory because she never told the truth about herself. At the moment of this writing, she is a redeemed in heaven along with her oldest daughter. The reason for why she went to purgatory was that she never spoke the truth about her past as a psychic and as santera although many graces were bestowed upon her.
I want to say that it is not the first time that a saint reunited souls in Heaven. He did so with Aurlette Maatala and her son Enson. Interceding for Enson who the saint found out had a Vodoo spirit who affected him with bad thoughts and produced the voices that he heard and made him schizophrenic. However, the mind of his soul was fine. He was in Purgatory because of it. Thus, a saint who I confused with the ‘cure’ participated in the affairs of heaven for the redemption of souls.
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